The Role of Shadows in Spiritual Awakening: Understanding the Balance of Light and Darkness

The Importance of Shadows in Spiritual Growth Spiritual awakening is often framed as a journey toward light, towards enlightenment and higher consciousness. However, to truly grow spiritually, one must also confront the shadows within—the hidden aspects of ourselves that lie in the unconscious. Shadows, in this context, refer not to external darkness but to…

Dies Natalis Solis Invicti: The Roman Celebration of the Unconquered Sun

The 25th of December, long associated with Christmas in modern times, holds a history that predates Christianity. It was the day of Dies Natalis Solis Invicti—the “Birthday of the Unconquered Sun” in ancient Rome. This event was not merely a celebration of a celestial body but a symbol of renewal, triumph, and cosmic balance.…