Astral Necropolis: The Realm of the Dead in Occult Lore

The concept of an astral necropolis a liminal realm where the dead reside—has permeated esoteric traditions, religious mythologies, and occult practices for millennia. Across cultures, mystical traditions describe an otherworldly domain where souls traverse after death, existing in a spectral state beyond the physical realm. This shadowy domain is not simply a resting place…

Exploring the Hellgate: The Gateway to Hell in Religious Texts and Mythologies from Ancient Mesopotamia to the Renaissance

The Concept of Hellgate The idea of a “Hellgate,” a portal or entrance to the realm of the damned, appears in various religious, mythological, and folkloric traditions. Its significance has evolved over the centuries, particularly in Western religious thought, where it is often seen as a threshold between the human world and the afterlife,…