Eve Reclaimed: Unveiling the Hidden Truths Behind the Serpent and the Garden
A New Perspective on Eve
Today, I’d like to talk about Eve—a religious figure, apparently. But what if things aren’t exactly as we’ve been told? Let’s begin by erasing from your mind the image of Eve as written in the Bible. Now, let’s start.
Apart from esoteric teachings, I also read that Chan Thomas book—the one sanitized by the CIA. The only reason I was interested in reading it was precisely that. Why the hell would the CIA focus on a religious and pseudoscientific book when there are far more pressing security concerns in the world.
I don’t often read books from the 19th century onward because they tend to repeat the same ideas, merely repackaging old teachings through the lens of the ‘last century’s’ perspective. My primary sources precede the Middle Ages (Dark Ages) because, after that, something happened—something we don’t fully understand.
The only modern authors I read are Jung, Giordano Bruno, Blavatsky, Evola, Gurdjieff and a few others, as I believe they had access to books and teachings beyond my reach.
Now, let’s go back to that Adam and Eve book. Instead of focusing on the apocalyptic scenario that supposedly unfolds every 6,000 years, at this time I’m more interested in the story of Eve.
The Controversial Naga Glyphs and Eve’s Creation
Here’s an excerpt from that book:
The significant Naga glyphs given to us by Ezra through Moses’ direct reading are: Cherubins, Rib, Adam’s sleep, Man, Woman, Tree, Fruit on the tree, Serpent, and Flaming Sword.
Our knowledge of Naga glyphs tells us that the tree (of life) symbolized a mother continent, a parent civilization lasting thousands of years longer than ours of today.
An unadorned serpent represented water in its natural state, or the ocean: a serpent entwined around the tree signified that the mother continent was surrounded entirely by water. Genesis III, 15 describes Eve’s heel on the serpent’s head, depicting her victory over the oceans.
This glyph has been interpreted to mean that the middle figure a male was put to sleep shown by the top figure, and a rib (or ribs) removed from him (the ribs being the curved lines) and fashioned into the bottom figure, the female mother of all mankind. This fits beautifully with the story of Eve’s creation. Adam therefore being both the male middle figure and the top figure a sleep or dead person.
There is a hitch to this story, however, the top figure either sleeping or dead is depicted as a female.
Moreover, in Naga the curved lines denote parentage more than ribs, so more reasonably it appears that the top figure is a dead female whose offsprings by the male middle figure (Adam) was the bottom female figure (Eve).
The most curious thing about this stone is that it fits the legend of Adam being a widower and the name of his deceased wife being Lilith. If true, it would also reveal Lilith to be Eve’s mother.
So, in essence, the story as read from the glyphs would be that Adam and Eve, who lived in the Garden of Eden on the mother continent (tree), were descended from the original mankind (fruit) of that land, which incidentally was surrounded entirely by water (serpent entwined around the tree). Eve was Adam’s daughter, and he was a widower.
As we can see, if this translation were more accurate, it would completely erase what we know about Lilith, Eve, and Genesis in general. It would reduce everything to mere speculation against the ‘feminine part.’
Eve and the Feminine Soul: Beyond Gender Politics
There’s much more to discuss regarding this aspect, which is entirely separate from the ‘feminist movement.’ What I mean by ‘feminine part’ is the soul—something each of us possesses. Like it or not, its symbolism aligns with soul-feminine-air, while spirit-masculine-fire and mind-hybrid-water are the other counterpart.
Meanwhile, the ‘feminist movement’ is a manufactured concept designed to further the Divide et Impera strategy. If you hate feminism, you end up hating women—thus rejecting your own feminine part, the same goes for feminists hating men, thereby rejecting their spirit part. And in doing so, you act in direct opposition to what Thoth or Jesus actually taught. (Note that I always refer to the apocryphal teachings of Jesus, as the official ones are, frankly, manipulated by the Vatican masonry and far removed from the original teachings—which, strangely, align more with the wisdom of Thoth than with Christianity).
Let’s come back to the book of Adam and Eve.
Although I respect the translation and the point of view of the author, something doesn’t align with my knowing. Before we begin, just to point out, the author bases his concept on Ezra the priest writing down the Genesis for the first time from ancient oral teachings and Naga hieroglyphs.
But who are the Naga?
The Naga people are a collection of tribal communities spread across Nagaland, Manipur, Arunachal Pradesh, Assam (India), and Myanmar. While they are not a singular “civilization” in the traditional sense (like the Indus Valley or Mesopotamian civilizations), they have a long and rich history of warrior traditions, animistic beliefs, and tribal governance systems.
Religion & Beliefs
Historically, the Nāgas practiced animism and nature worship, later integrating elements of Hinduism and Christianity due to external influences.
With Christian missionary influence in the 19th and 20th centuries, a large portion converted to Christianity, particularly Baptist Christianity.
Some still practice indigenous traditions alongside Christian beliefs.
Naga Proto-Language (11,500 Years Ago)
- Proto-Nāga as a Lost Proto-Language of the Eastern Hemisphere
- Some esoteric researchers suggest that an ancient Nāga civilization could have had a common linguistic root that influenced Sanskrit, Egyptian, Mayan, Polynesian, and Turkic languages.
- This civilization existed 11,500 years ago (around the end of the last Ice Age), it could have been part of a pre-flood culture, possibly linked to myths of Atlantis, Lemuria, or Kumari Kandam.
- This proto-language may have influenced early writing systems and oral traditions, later evolving into multiple language families.
- Possible Linguistic Connections Between These Languages
- Mayan and Polynesian languages share phonetic similarities and structural parallels.
- Egyptian and Greek both contain words and grammar that suggest ancient borrowing or a shared root (possibly via trade routes or older civilizations).
- Yakut (a Turkic language of Siberia) has ancient shamanic elements, which could suggest a link to earlier proto-Eurasian languages, potentially influenced by Nāga myths and serpent symbolism.
- Sanskrit (Hinduism & Buddhism) and Nāga-related words appear in Southeast Asia and the Pacific, suggesting a shared linguistic and cultural heritage.
- Prehistoric Civilization as the Progenitor of Modern Languages
- The idea that an advanced civilization from 11,500 years ago spread its language across the world aligns with theories of a lost global civilization (such as Atlantis or Lemuria).
- Some esoteric traditions suggest that Nāgas (or their human descendants) were part of this global dispersion, influencing language, mythology, and architecture from India to the Americas.
- If the Nāga people were a seafaring or subterranean civilization, they could have influenced different cultures over thousands of years, explaining common linguistic roots.
Although the translation of the snake might be grammatically accurate, it could mislead us after 10,000 years due to our incomplete understanding of what the naga originally meant by ‘snake.’ It’s possible that the entity they referred to is one that lives by the water, and not necessarily a symbol of water itself, The snake is also seen as a fertility divinity, and the association between fertility, life, and water could offer a different interpretation, in my opinion. While life is often linked to water, the original meaning of the snake might not solely be tied to this symbolism, but instead could represent something more complex, like an entity that dwells by the water.
What do we know about the Naga in Hinduism and Buddhism?
Nāga in Hinduism
In Hindu mythology, Nāgas are powerful serpent deities or spirits, often residing in underground realms or bodies of water such as rivers, lakes, and oceans. They are both revered and feared, capable of bestowing great blessings or causing destruction.
Key Attributes:
Often depicted as half-human, half-serpent beings, sometimes taking full human or full serpent form.
Associated with wisdom, protection, and fertility.
Connected to water bodies—rivers, lakes, and subterranean realms.
Known for their dual nature—some are benevolent protectors, while others can be vengeful or dangerous.
Nāga Realms:
Nāgas are believed to inhabit the Nāga-loka (Patala-loka), an opulent underground kingdom filled with treasures and mystical knowledge. They are also associated with sacred rivers like the Ganges, which is sometimes depicted flowing from Ananta’s coils.
Nāga in Buddhism
In Buddhist traditions, Nāgas are divine serpents that can shape-shift between serpent and human forms. They are often seen as guardians of dharma and sacred texts.
Key Buddhist Associations:
Nāgas and Wisdom – They are sometimes seen as beings who guard esoteric wisdom and scriptures, such as in the legend of Nāgārjuna, who is said to have received the Prajñāpāramitā Sutras from them.
My Researches on Eve.
Well, for the last 20 years, I’ve been following an Italian researcher whose primary goal was to investigate whether alien abductions were real or mere fantasy. He himself admitted that he could never have anticipated that this journey would lead him to uncover the absurd. I could point you to his research, but there’s a vast amount to study before even beginning to understand the magnitude of this phenomenon.
What I can summarize about the snake is that Nagesh has appeared in individuals under regressive hypnosis, and he does things to humans. After hypnotizing over 3,500 people in 20 years, the results show that this entity—whether you call it a deity, as in Hinduism, or an alien, as in “alienism”—has a role to fulfill. This role matches that of the deity in Hinduism: a half-human, half-snake figure linked to fertility, healing, and wisdom.
According to this researcher, the results suggest that this entity—often described as a humanoid snake (or, as today’s alien theorists call it, a ‘reptilian’)—is a bioengineer who contributed to the creation of the human body as we know it. This entity reportedly performs clinical abortions and implants human fetuses to grow. It’s worth mentioning that their ‘lab rats’ are protected by them to continue their experiments. There have been cases of tumors that mysteriously disappeared overnight—‘like a miracle’—because they simply could not afford to lose their subjects.
So, we have the same half-human, half-snake figure who possesses incredible wisdom in physics and biology, creates life, and seems to ‘perform the operations’ in these underwater bases. Given all the information available, anyone can draw their own conclusions.
But what about the connection to Eve?
Eve, guided by the serpent, gained the knowledge that the Demiurge—the false god of this realm—sought to keep hidden. She then shared this revelation with Adam, and as a consequence, the Demiurge reset the world, casting them out of Eden, which was ultimately destroyed by the Flood. Could the serpent have helped them escape their fate? Perhaps.
Eve may have been saved by the serpent—not through deception, but through wisdom, by knowing what was to come. Perhaps the serpent urged her to leave Eden, a paradise doomed to destruction. In doing so, she may have also saved Adam—both her father and her husband. She lost her mother, yet in a strange twist of fate, she became the partner of her future husband, ensuring the survival of humanity. Who can say? It simply unfolded that way.
The Bible Take
But as for the entire story surrounding Eve, the ‘deceived’ one by the snake—condemning Adam to leave that magnificent place God supposedly built for us? That’s a bunch of nonsense, egregiously manipulated afterward by the surviving people to control power through religions, In time, I will reveal how the god of Genesis is not truly God at all.
Now, it’s obvious that if Eve existed 11,500 years ago, before that erasure, she couldn’t possibly have been the sole progenitor of all humanity as we know it today, with its diverse races. Eve, then, is more a symbol of what happened than a singular couple regenerating the human race entirely. This is why similar stories can be found across different cultures, because the same event likely occurred in Asia, Africa, the Americas, and Europe.
The Snake: Benevolent or Malevolent?
To conclude this discussion on the snake, some view it as a malevolent entity, while others see it as a benevolent source of wisdom. From the research, however, it seems that the snake is simply doing its job—experimenting with us, creating a new form of life, a mix between us and them. It doesn’t offer too much information, but you can extract some knowledge if you understand how they behave. They can become quite angry at times, but generally, if you’re one of their ‘lab rats,’ they won’t harm you because they need you alive. It’s as simple as that.
Sci-fi? Perhaps. But my point here is to re-read everything with an open mind, leaving no possibility unexplored, and doing so from an objective perspective—far removed from religious influence. (After all, religions come from the Latin religio, which simply means a set of laws to respect and obey.)
So, I would meditate with Eve (or perhaps her mother Lilith :)—it seems that Christians really despise the legacy of Lilith)—to try to connect with that primal energy and perhaps access some true understanding of what’s really going on.
Fantasy? No, this is not. After all, “We are such stuff as dreams are made on, and our little life is rounded with a sleep.”
(The Tempest, Act 4, Scene 1) William Shakespeare
If you are pure inside, as the apocryphal books of Jesus suggest, or as the teachings of Thoth in the Emerald Tablets imply—strangely, both speak similar truths—if you are whole, unified within yourself, above and below, male and female, then the knowledge will come to you.
We live in a universe of duality, but this duality is only apparent. Right and wrong are subjective, defined by each individual. Some revere Lilith, while others—well, we know who—condemn her as a demoness. Ultimately, it’s about what each figure represents for you personally. Meditate with Eve, seek her, and investigate the truth, trusting your intuition, for the mind is easily manipulated. After all, the mind is formed solely because of the split between Soul and Spirit. The mind serves as a bridge, a connection necessary for communication between the two.
Once you unite your Soul and Spirit, male and female, Yin and Yang, your mind will dissolve, and clarity will emerge. Hail Divine Spark. Link: https://youtu.be/4NnykXGPZ1E